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Greyhound Racing API

11 Mar 2025
Greyhound Racing API

1.0 Introduction

PODIUM’s XML Greyhounds Service is comprised of Racecards, Betting and Results. The DogRacing.DTD deals with the Racecards, Betting and Results and therefore there is just one DTD.

2.0 Files

2.1 File Naming

Racecards With Form

The format: c


Example: c20240816cra5_415640.xml

Where: c = course


HRL: 3 letter track shortname

5 = Days worth of form – starting at zero, hence 6 days worth

2.1a Live Betting Files

The format: b.xml

Example: b2024081941586014070001.xml

Where: b = betting / results file b2024081941586013510001.xml

20240819 = date YYYYMMDD b2024081941586013510001.xml

15860 = meetingid b2024081941586013510001.xml

1351 = time hhmm b2024081941586013510001.xml

0001 = revision of file b2024081941586013510001 .xml

2.1b Result Files (Non Live betting Results)

The format: b.xml

Example: b202408194158601242.xml

Where: b = betting / results file b202408194158601242.xml

20240819 = date YYYYMMDD b202408194158601242.xml

15860 = meetingid b202408194158601242.xml

1242 = time hhmm b202408194158601242 .xml

With these files there is no revision as they are sent when all the details for a race have been

gathered. These files can be sent for non live and live meetings if a client takes both BAGS and

Evening data (non live).

2.2 Racecards

Racecards are prefixed with the letter c and detail runners, venue and time of the races. Racecards are sent the day before the racing takes place, i.e. a racecard for the 15th June would be sent on 14th June. These are generally sent throughout the day (some a.m. some p.m.) and the filename is made up of the date, 3 letter course id (this has a number five on the end to represent the form, i.e. 0 – 5 = 6 runs worth of form). The filename also includes the meeting ID, so if there is a BAGS meeting and an Evening meeting at the same track on the same day, the cards will not overwrite. Later versions of the cards can be sent out which may include any late changes, but the filename will not change.

2.3 Results

The results files are prefixed with a ‘b’ for live betting and results. The first file sent will be at approx. 8am every morning to confirm the details for each race.

Once the racing starts, the betting and results files are sent out, with each new file containing a higher revision number.

These files use the date, meeting ID, race-time and revision number to describe which race the data is for, in relation to the racecard file.

Betting and Results Files contain both betting changes and results information. Each file sent is the latest ‘snapshot’ of the race. Information is added to the previous file and sent, so the latest revision will be slightly larger in size. Updates include show price revisions, race status updates, vacant traps, SP’s, results, bend position, sectional times.

Upon the completion of a race, PODIUM will send out a final result file, this marks the end of that race, and no further files will be sent. The final result file will be delivered in the following format: b202409174174571209 notably this drops the last 4 revision numbers sent with the live files (b2024091741745712090001.xml). Also not that this final result file displays as revision number 1 in the meeting header, as shown in the Crayford and Hove example files included.

2.4 Example Meetings

Within this pack you can find both ‘c’ files and ‘b’ files for Crayford and Hove on August 16th 2024.

2.5 Abandoned Races

Races can be abandoned either prior to the meeting taking place or on the day.

If racing is abandoned after the final racecard has been resent, results files will be sent for each race for a meeting with the status set to reflect this.

2.6 Racetime Change

Occasionally there will be a change to the times originally published for a race or meeting.

On the occasion that this happens prior to the day of racing, PODIUM will issue an advisory along with an updated revision of the card. The meeting ID should keep between revisions and replace the one previously sent.

When this occurs on the day of racing, PODIUM will issue an advisory stating the affected race times, however there will be no such change to the racecard. Instead PODIUM will use the same card and follow the new schedule for each race. For example, Newcastle 17/09 had race no.3 (11.43) delayed until (12.02), PODIUM kept the racetime the same but aligned the delivery with the new off time.

3.0 PODIUM Requirements from Client

From the customer, if the data is delivered via FTP, we would need the following information:

  • Your FTP server address
  • Account Details
    • Username
    • Password
  • Access through your firewall for the following IP addresses:
    • delivery.howden.press.net (
    • gateway.howden.press.net (
    • gateway.pa.press.net (
    • delivery-how.pa.press.net (
    • vbr-ftpout-1.pa.press.net (
    • vbr-ftpout-2.pa.press.net (
    • Telehouse Data Centre
    • IX Data Centre
  • Details of any directory structure in place

3.1 Setup & Support Procedures

Depending on the number of feeds and the time it takes to obtain the required details in 3.0, the feed XML Greyhound feed can usually be setup within two working days. As a rule, PODIUM will generally run the feed as alive test to ensure that all required data is being received and to ensure that there are no technical problems.

Once PODIUM and the Client are happy with the feed, details of the feed will be passed onto Customer Services. This department is the clients first point of contact should there be a problem with a feed or if a change to the feed, e.g. IP Address change, is required.

Customer Services contact details are:

01430 455012

4.0 Track List

Below is the list of tracks and their TLAs. In the event of additional courses being introduced to the service in the future customers will be notified of the details via advisory: –

Central Parksit
Pelaw Grangepel
Perry Barrper
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